Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Blending To Live...


We humans, are like flowers. 
We can adopt
And adjust to our environment accordingly, If we need so...
Either we constantly change
By the need
Or as we feel like to...
But we always move forward
Or simply drift
due to circumstances
We're confronted with.
What matters is, 
We do blend in
To the season we live by... 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

What's Said is Said. Simple!

Know your own flaws before you criticize others. 
Think before you say something.
Mean what you say now, than be sorry later on.
And Own Up every single word you cast.
And be ready to face the consequence.
Remember, Karma's a Bitch.

Our Tongue is like a sword, it's small but can certainly hurt like hell. Every words that comes out of our mouth, be sure it's cast not to insult others. Even if intention is just to correct someone or to describe someone's imperfection. So be extra careful with what you will say. Specially if you, yourself has a lot of flaws. That's considered ugly in the eyes of human. You might even be negatively surprised of the effect of your own spoken words. For you've cast one or two flaws of others, of which others found too many of your flaws to even begin to describe you. Don't you think it hurts knowing that way? Wouldn't you feel insulted? 'Cause i doubt if you wouldn't be, unless you're a human with out emotions. With a heart that is as hard as a rock. So next time, before you cast a single unsolicited ugly word towards someone Even if it's true, Just keep you mouth shut, You might regret it. --- For Karma's a Bitch. And what's said is said... And sometimes no amount of your "Apology" can even take away the "Hurt" you've caused, by your hypocritical comments you've harshly said.

Friday, August 5, 2016

'Til There Was You...

Been dreaming like a little girl
Who's innocent mind believes in forever.
Been hoping for things to get better
As if life is like magic.
One spell and everything's great.
'Til there was You...

You showed me what's real
You awakened me from my dreams
And made me realized
Nothing is constant, nothing is forever.
You taught me the difference
Of what's real and what's not.
You made me live in reality.
And I snapped out of fantasy.
Life may not always be Happy
But at least it's real...

Note: Late Post. Originally posted this on my Wattpad account first. Written roughly over a month ago.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Fear Not Your Own...

Fear not the Distance
But the Longing Feeling,
that Changes and Ruins your mood.
Fear not the Love you feel,
But the Doubts
You let Running through
inside your thoughts.
Fear not the Temptations
and Persuasions of others,
On your better half
But the Lack of Trust
You have for your partner.

Before it may Cause you Trouble,
Don't let your Weakness
Leads you to Breakdown and Fall.
Stop Creating monster within yourself.
Otherwise you will Lose
The Very One,
You're Too Afraid to Lose in the end.

Note: (Late Post) Originally written April 4, 2016

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Glimpse of True Love

Leaves may fall,
People may change.
But if Love is True,
it will withstand anything
Just like a tree trunk.

YOU... #Random Thoughts

The way you THINK

Shows who you are

But the way you FEEL

Shows what you are

as a person...

Friday, April 8, 2016

"It's Great While It Last"

It's full of fun,
'Til it's all over.
It's so sweet,
'Til you're hurt.
It's excitingly meaningful,
'Til you're cheated on.
It makes your day complete,
'Til you're ditch to depression.
It adds color to your life,
'Til your tears washes those out.

Makes you the happiest person,
Until you're crying for hours.
Makes you feel like a thousand butterflies
in your stomach,
Until it makes you sick to your head.
It knows no boundaries,
Until you're too fed up to stay on.

It's crazy yet great to be in love
and be loved back in return,
---But 'Til when???
Does it always have to end
or is it possible to last a lifetime?

To be in love is something,
But to stay in love is a commitment.
...For a lifetime of loving someone,
Is the hardest quest of our lives.
And Love seems great,
While it last...

Saturday, April 2, 2016

It's not always what's it like...

Look so peaceful,
yet so wild and angry inside.
Seems So near, yet so far...
Projects half full, 
But Half empty as well.
Sounds interesting,
but boring really.
You thought you know more,
But you actually know less.
Just like the silence,
that sounds too loud to bear.
What we see,
isn't always what it seems to be.
Like a simple smile
that makes you think of happiness,
But the eyes, are showing differently.

"Wasted Time is a Wasted Life"

The moment you step on to the track 
that makes you feel unhappy and out of place,
but still chose to stay on it trying to fit in,
It's when your real dreams in life dies.
The longer you keep staying,
the more you dug yourself deeper.
And the harder it is for you to get out 
and move over to the right path you truly belong.

Just by the mere fact of letting yourself 
standing by in a wrong place,
even without a tiny feeling of happiness,
is already considered as the death of the true you.
It's like you are in quicksand
that's sucking your Dreams in life.
As if you're in Hell, and is slowly
killing you deep inside
'Til you forget how it is to truly
Live a life with full of dreams ahead.
And how it feels like to fight
for your them...

And only in this kind of moment,
where your life starts to gloom.
Where you starts to doubt about everything.
It's when you finally think 
you've been lost for while but just
stupid enough to realized it,
and coward enough to pretend that,
Everything is perfectly fine even if it's not at all.