Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dumb me! Lol

Gosh! i feel so dumb not being able to see my own reply to the comments i got on here. I wonder where my reply to Pop and Sherry's comments went. Oopss! I certainly have a lot of things to learn around here and get use to... I'm still comparing this from blogstream and how it is much easier and better there. Sorry for being too blunt about this. But I'm quite hoping for better things with this. In fairness I'm starting to like it here, just feeling like I'm still a fledgling blogger here like a neophyte as I really am, that's got a lot to learn around. And it takes time, as what Sherry said. :)


  1. Hang in there CN, you'll get the hang of it! by the way, nice Background.

  2. CuteNuts:

    Don't give up! Most of us here are still in the learning stage.
