Woooooooooooooo... Yeesssss!!!! I'm so glad to have finally found out what's wrong why everytime i try to post my "Comments" wont show up, either on my own blog or on other people's blog here on blogspot unless they're out blogspot, like wordpress and etc....
And i owe this to Skinny.... c",) <3 so Skinny, THANKS A LOT FOR YOUR HELP.. :-) That link u showed on me that might help me, really helped me... Wooooooooo.... Yous just have no idea how Happy I am now.. I finally don't feel stupid anymore. hahahahaha
And oh, its not my "Settings" here on blogspot that was wrong why it never showed up my comments at all. It's "FireFox" So using "Windows Explorer" instead coz it works on here. hahahaha
It's so weird though why is it, but right now i just couldn't and don't care either why... Hahahaha... What matters, is that I've finally Found the way for my comment to show up. hahahaha
I'm really happy right now and it shows how glad i am, coz my very first comment was long and i didn't noticed it 'til i was reading what i've posted on my comment in reply to Skinny's comment here on my page. Yay!! hahahahahaha
Belle - Glad to hear you found a solution. I may be able to let you use Firefox as well, as I use that with no problem. If it fails, stay with Explorer.
ReplyDeleteTry the following for me:
1) Open up your Firefox browser.
2) Click on "Tools" on the toolbar at the top of your screen.
3) In the window that appears, go down to "Options" and click on that.
4) Then on next screen, click on "Privacy".
5) See if you have checkmarks in "accept cookies from sites" and also in "accept 3rd party cookies". If you don't, that may be the problem. I have both of these checked in mine. Also, under the 3rd party cookies line there's "keep until" and I have that selected as "till I close Firefox". That way I dump cookies every time I close Firefox.
6) Once the boxes are checked, then click on "Okay" at the bottom.
This should take care of your problem. I remember someone else mentioning 3rd party cookies as a problem commenting on their blog. If Firefox rejected cookies, then blogger would not recognize you I bet.
Let me know if this works.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like persistence and a little help from Skinny finally paid off. Now you can enjoy many years of blogging. :^)
Hey Skinny... Wow it works!!! And I'm back using firefox again. hahaha... I really don't know how to thank you enough for all the infos you've shared to me... It's a huge helped for me, that i'll never ever forget.:) It only proves how little i know about those technical settings in the internet. Lol I certainly have got a lot of things to learn here.. Thanks for being my computer wizard from the other end of the web that helped me big time. hehehe :)
ReplyDeleteHi Whit... Yes persistence got me through it and with Skinny's helped of course. So it really paid off. hehe... I'm so glad that it's finally fixed now, because i sooo hate the feeling of being stupid not knowing what to do with a very simple stuff. So i was crying for help after I've tried everything in powers to fix it. And I'm lucky to have friends from blogstreams (like you) who suggested and extended their knowledge on how to solve it, 'til i finally got the right result.:)
And now i can absolutely enjoy the freedom to leave comments without feeling dumb anymore. hehehe.. And Thank you too Whit... :)
Hope you both have a great day!!! :)